If life is a constant process of learning,
Then let go of the idea that you are anywhere close to being finished.
Hold in your heart the wisdom that there is much life left,
Many more storms to weather and miles to travel.
You are right where you need to be;
You are right on track.
Rest easily as life shapes and refines you over the rough terrain of glorious pain.
Pain breaks you open.
It deepens cracks in the armor of feigned security
You’ve built around your unassured heart.
Pain isolates you, throws you deep into a pit of despair.
Only in the wet dark loneliness can you cultivate
Levelled perspective and true seeing.
The ecstasy of grass underfoot,
Warm breeze,
Tight squeeze,
Bird song and setting sun,
Strike you anew.
Their beauty amplifies,
Resonating through the sunlit halls
Of your empty heart.
Your heart will fill again
With attachments, identities, and desires,
False notions of knowing will obscure your senses and deaden
The song coursing through your veins.
Do not be upset – this is only par for the course.
Back into the pit you will go, sinking deeper into the
Damp labyrinth that underlies the flowerbeds and forests.
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